Sew What

Learning how to sew has proven to be a long, grueling process for me, partly because I made the mistake of leaving my sewing machine in Cali upon moving to NY. Over winter break I tried my best to get some pieces done. I had all the ideas in my head, fabrics picked, designs sketched out and planned. But of ...

2015 Inspirations & Aspirations

I like to take time out every year to re-evaluate where I'm going fashion wise. I ponder on where am I now and what type of woman I want to be in the future. Ideally, I think I'd like to be the type of person who wakes up early, works out, showers, changes into fab clothes every day for work, has ...

iPhone-ography Essentials

Being back in NY is great (despite the cold weather, although I am getting used to it!) But there's just one problem. I still haven't been able to find a steady photographer! I know there are plenty out there, so if you know one please, please holla at ya girl! =] Now that I have gotten that outta the way... ...