in pursuit of magic

[blockquote text="Those who don't believe in magic will never find it - Roald Dahl" show_quote_icon="yes"] I wore this on the second day of my birthday shenanigans at my birthday brunch. One of my favorite parts of NY is all of the talent that is just hustling and bustling every where you turn. So many talented artists have taken ordinary walls ...

feared individual

[blockquote text="The woman who doesn't need validation from anyone is the most feared individual on the planet.- Mohadesa Najumi" show_quote_icon="yes" quote_icon_size="20px"] all dat jazz is back and looking brand spankin new! Hope you all like the new layout. I've been working to optimize my blog and take it to the next level as I share my experiences living in NYC at the beginning ...

a new chapter

Hey y'all, I know my posts have been far and few between but please, bear with me! Throughout the chaos of moving, I still had to find the time to celebrate my 25th birthday! I really can't believe I'm that old haha. Check out some photos from my Instagram (@kerrilove) below. New all-dat-jazz posts coming soon!