Learning how to sew has proven to be a long, grueling process for me, partly because I made the mistake of leaving my sewing machine in Cali upon moving to NY. Over winter break I tried my best to get some pieces done. I had all the ideas in my head, fabrics picked, designs sketched out and planned. But of course, the task proved harder than I thought. I had to re-do patterns, learn how to hem with the right stitching, and re-do my zippers a zillion times. Finally, I realized the best way to learn how to sew well is to practice practice practice. And the only way I could do that is if I stopped rushing and started planning realistically. I decided to sacrifice some of the little space I have in my NY apartment to make room for my sewing machine. And I’m actually ecstatic about this decision.
Even though I’m way behind on my sewing goals, I’m not gonna let it get me down. Sew what if I haven’t been able to flawlessly make a structure, fashion forward dress by now! Everyone works at their own pace, and has their own journey and I’ve made peace with mine. I’m still hopeful and still optimistic. What you see before you are two works in progress. They are unfinished and may turn into completely different pieces than the ones you see before you but this is my unapologetic progress post. This is me. =]